Our Basic Fees


Select a topic below for more details.

Personal Tax Return Preparation

We offer the lowest pricing in Ladner. To prepare One Basic Personal Tax Return our fees range from:

>  $75   1-3   slips/receipts/tasks
>  $85   4-7   slips/receipts/tasks
>  $95   8-10  slips/receipts/tasks

>  + $2   for each slip/receipt/task over 10

>  + $20-$65   for each NON-Basic schedule/form or service

>  + $60-$90 per hour   for special consultation, tax planning and tallying receipts

*Extra fees apply for NON-Basic schedules/forms and services.
*Heron Tax reserves the right to determine which schedules/forms are NON-Basic.

Our Payment Policy

  >   Signatures and payment for services is required before we EFile or give you your prepared tax return.

  >   We accept Debit Cards, Cash & Cheques payments

  >   We charge an additional 2.5% on all VISA & MASTERCARD payments

More info for BASIC

List of the common BASIC slips/receipts/tasks:

  >   T4, T4A, T4E, T4RSP, T4PS
  >   T4AP(CPP), T4OAS, T4RIF
  >   T3, T5, T5007
  >   RRSP Contributions
  >   Union or Professional Dues Paid
  >   T2202 Tuition
  >   Student Loan Interest Paid
  >   Donations to eligible charities
  >   Political Contributions
  >   Instalments Paid Report from CRA

  >   Foriegn Income
  >   Other Income (ie Tips)
  >   Medical,Dental,Eyecare,Prescriptions,
  >   Massage,Chiro,Physio,
  >   Hearing Aids & Batteries,
  >   Tax Payer Paid EH/D Insurance,
  >   Travel Medical Insurance,etc
  >   Child Care, Preschool, Camps
  >   New Home Buyer
  >   Volunteer Firefighters Letter
  >   Search & Rescue Volunteer Letter
  >   Care Giver Letter from Doctor
  >   Disability Tax Credit/Letter from CRA
  >   Spousal Support Payments (received/paid)

  >   Transfer Tuition
  >   Home Buyer Repayments
  >   Life Long Learning Repayments
  >   Set up Direct Deposit
  >   T1013 Representative Services
  >   Printing slips/receipts received via email

Info for NON-BASIC

List of the common NON-BASIC slips/receipts/tasks:

  >   T5008,T5013
  >   Foriegn Income Slips (ie US-1099)
  >   Stocks/Shares Reports with ACB
  >   Foreign Income Verification T1135
  >   T2200 Declaration of Employment
  >   GST370 GST Rebate for Employment
  >   Clergy Residence Deduction

  >   Rental Income & Expenses
  >   Self-Employment Income & Expenses
  >   Eligible Employment Expenses
  >   BC Training Tax Credit T1014
  >   Seniors Home Assessibility Expenses
  >   Moving Expenses
  >   Meals & Lodging (Truckers)
  >   Northern Residents Deduction
  >   Child Adoption Expenses
  >   Investment Loan Interest
  >   Eligible Carrying Charges
  >   Eligible Legal Expenses
  >   Fishing/Farming Income & Expenses
  >   Sale of Residence (Primary or other)
  >   Foreign Income Verification T1135

  >   Split Pension
  >   Electing under Sec 217
  >   Non-Resident Tax Return
  >   Initiate T1013 Representative Request
  >   Request for Loss Carryback
  >   Paper Filing
  >   T1 Adjustments
  >   Pre/Post Review Services
  >   Document Submissions
  >   Review Past Tax Returns
  >   Tax Planning Advice
  >   T1 Adjustments

Corporate T2 Tax Preparation

As of 2016 - Not taking any new T2 clients

To prepare One Corporate T2 Tax Return our fees are:

>   $830    minumum to prepare & EFile one T2 Return

>   $60-$90 per hour    for consultation, orgainizing, preparing Financial Statements and all other tasks

*Please review the list under Business Taxes to ensure you bring everything required for T2 Return to be prepared.

Bookkeeping Services

>   $60-$90 per hour    for consultation and all bookkeeping tasks