HATE doing Taxes?
We'll do your taxes
We LOVE doing taxes!


Tax Season = STRESS for most folks. WHY?
  1)   There's a deadline.
  2)   Ever changing tax rules.
  3)   Too many complicated tax rules.
  ???)   What's yours?

We're a friendly bunch and pride ourselves on being approachable and professional. We'll ensure your taxes are prepared quickly and correctly with minimal stress on your part.

Each year during the tax season we prepare over 1,000 personal tax returns .. stress free!

  Did I mention we love doing taxes?

  I know it's a little weird but it's true!

Select a topic below for more details.


  >   February 20 - CRA re-opens for 2023 tax filing
  >   April 30 - all tax owing should be paid (personal taxes plus GST if you're self employed)

  >   April 30 - basic personal tax return filing deadline to avoid late penalties and interest on any outstanding tax $$ owing

  >   June 15 - Self-Employed people/couples - tax returns and GST return filing deadline

  >   AS OF APRIL 3 .. NOT TAKING ANY MORE NEW CLIENTS .. Returning clients are welcome.

  >   April 15 - client deadline for having ALL tax related information into the office ... AFTER April 15, I won't guarantee returns can be completed for the April 30th deadline.

  >   Open Monday to Saturday during March & April

  >   NOTE: Clients are responsible for payment and signatures by the filing deadlines for Heron Tax to eFile tax returns on time

What to Bring to the Tax Office

Key items to bring include, but not limited to:
  >   Most recent NOA
  >   All T-slips
  >   Relevant receipts & statements
  >   Investment reports

Click the link below to get a handy PDF checklist of information to bring with you to the tax office.


Basic Fees

We offer the lowest pricing in Ladner. To prepare One Basic Personal Tax Return our fees range from:

>  $75   1-3   slips/receipts/tasks
>  $85   4-7   slips/receipts/tasks
>  $95   8-10  slips/receipts/tasks

>  + $2   for each slip/receipt/task over 10

>  + $20-$65   for each NON-Basic tax schedules/forms or task/service

>  + $60-$90 per hour   for special consultation, tax planning and tallying receipts

*Extra fees apply for extra tasks & NON-Basic schedules/forms.
*Heron Tax reserves the right to determine which tasks/schedules/forms are NON-Basic.

Are You Self-Employed?

The benefits of having us organize and tally your shoebox of invoices and expense receipts for a modest fee is you'll have a nice organized envelope with everything in the event the CRA requests you to produce any receipts to back up your claims.

Income & Expenses - NO GST COLLECTED

Income & Expenses - GST Collected

Vehicle Trip Log

Visit the office and ask for a Vehicle Trip Log Envelope to hold all of your receipts.

Do You Own Rental Property?

Feel free to use our rental information form to track income & monthly expenses from your rental property. Capital expenditures like new appliances and significant improvements need to be noted but are treated slightly differently than a normal expenditure.

Eligible Rental Property Expenses

Are you Eligible to claim Employment Expenses?

A Declaration of Conditions of Employment (CRA form T2200) is required and must be completed and signed by your employer to be eligible to claim employment expenses.

Eligible Employment Expenses

Vehicle Trip Log

Visit the office and ask for a Vehicle Trip Log Envelope to hold all of your receipts.

Retiring? Are You a Senior? (65+)

Those first couple of years transitioning into retirement can often catch you unprepared with new multiple sources of income (CPP, OAS, Pension, RIF, Investments, etc). Often tax deducted at source is insufficient on your overall income.

A little tax planning at the beginning of the year can go a long way to avoiding a nasty tax surprise.